Call 0300 1234 999 to report cruelty or an animal in distress

How to Help

There are a variety of ways in which you can help the branch alongside visiting our RSPCA Shop in Hitchin.

Upcoming Fundraising Events.....

Support us whilst shopping….

Register with easy fundraising. Every time you shop online you can raise a free donation to us… Click here to find out more. 



Home Fostering

Are you an animal lover and can open up your home to provide a temporary safe haven for an animal in need then consider becoming an home fosterer.

Home Visitor

An important part of the work we do is rehoming animals. As part of that we have a small network of home visitors that go out and assess that the home an animal is going to is suitable for it.


Love animals and want to volunteer to make a difference in your local area? Enquire about becoming a Trustee with our branch.


Donate by PayPal

Click the button below to donate via PayPal

Give as you Live

A % of what you buy online will come directly to the Branch.  Sign up using the links below and remember to select RSPCA Hertfordshire East Branch as your chosen charity.

Online Shopping...

Easy Fundraising

A % of what you buy online will come directly to the Branch.  Sign up using the button below and remember to select RSPCA Hertfordshire East Branch as your chosen charity.