Call 0300 1234 999 to report cruelty or an animal in distress

Voucher Scheme

IMPORTANT As of 18/09/23 we are no longer able to provide financial help with the cost of veterinary treatment of owned animals.  

Please speak to your veterinary service provider to find out about alternative schemes.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause

RSPCA Hertfordshire East Branch runs a scheme that contributes towards the cost of emergency veterinary care, for eligible pet owners.  We assess each case and help, if possible, with emergency pain relief and/or emergency procedures.

We CANNOT help with routine vaccinations, flea or worm treatments, neutering costs, dentals or ongoing medications costs. 

IMPORTANT Please note we are only able to contribute and cannot pay veterinary costs in full.

The funds for this scheme are raised through local fundraising efforts and sales at our Hitchin charity shop.

To be eligible for our help you must be in receipt of means-tested benefits, registered as living in one of the following postcodes and have no other means to cover the treatment costs yourself, for example by using a credit or debit card or borrowing from family and friends.

Please note, abusive language towards our staff will not be tolerated.  We understand that having a sick pet is distressing, but our staff work hard to provide help and advice where possible and have the right to be safe and respected in the workplace.  

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Alternatively view the interactive map below. If your postcode is not listed, please use the following link to discover which branch of the RSPCA covers your area: –

To apply for our help please call 07500 967145 or complete the attached form.